Send a holler to people nearby. IN REALTIME.

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We know you're

Too shy to ask!

Sitting alone in a karaoke bar, wishing someone from the crowd could sing with you?
Need to jump-start your car? Only if someone around could help!
New in town and overwhelmed, hoping a local could show you around?

Daak Hero Image

Daak is here to help

It is a location-based app that enables users to instantly get heard by others nearby, within a customizable distance radius.
You're right! It is that digital wingman that takes care of that first step for you.


Location-based 'Shouts'

Lets you create 'Shouts' at your location that are visible to all other nearby users at once!

Virtual chatrooms with real people

Lets you virtually enter a room full of real people! Need one at your favorite bar? Don't worry, each crowd gets their own!

Interactive map interface

That's correct! Approaching strangers just got super fun for you!

Location masking

Worried about sharing your location? Don't worry, your exact location is never revealed!

Download Daak now!